Welcome to the JBPHH Resources information page. If residents have concerns about the quality of their water, the Water Quality Action Team (WQAT) is available to collect drinking water samples to test for the presence of total petroleum hydrocarbons. Residents can call
(808) 210-6968 from 7 AM to 9 PM (0700-2100) Mondays to Fridays to request a water quality investigation.
The JBPHH Resources page has been broken into Terms and Media Library. Please use the menu to navigate to the type of resource you are looking for.
- Find definitions of frequently used terms and acronyms.
Fact Sheets
- Access PDF documents that provide more detailed information about sampling and water quality.
Public Notices
- View documents released to the public to provide information on the fuel release and ongoing response efforts.
Media Library
- Watch recordings of the Navy's outreach events regarding drinking and groundwater monitoring. These events are held to provide the community with the latest information and explain how to find and understand water sample results.