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Groundwater Sampling
The Navy conducts sampling at various groundwater monitoring locations around Red Hill. This data is submitted to the regulators in accordance with current requirements and is shared here for public reference.

Groundwater Sampling Programs
Consolidated Groundwater Sampling
In June 2023, the Consolidated Groundwater Sampling Program combined the three sampling programs (Notice of Interest Sampling, Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring, and P/S-Well Sampling) described below to optimize sampling, accelerate results, and improve data evaluation. Sampling frequency started monthly, then was increased to twice a month in May 2024.
LinkView Consolidated GW Data from June 2023 - Now

Notice of Interest (NOI) Sampling
In response to the November 20, 2021 release at the Red Hill Fuel Storage Facility the Navy was given a Notice of Interest (NOI) by the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH). Under the NOI the Navy collected weekly groundwater samples from the Red Hill Shaft and existing monitoring well locations. These documents were submitted to the regulators for review. In June 2023, NOI Sampling transitioned into the Consolidated Groundwater Sampling Program. Please go to Consolidated Groundwater Sampling for sampling results from June 2023 to present.
LinkView NOI Data from May 2021 - May 2023

Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring
In response to the 2014 fuel release to the environment that occurred during the re-filling of Red Hill Fuel Tank 5 the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Hawaii DOH entered into an Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) with the Navy. Under the AOC the Navy submitted quarterly reports on sampling of the soil and groundwater around Red Hill. In addition, to verify no contamination had spread to the drinking water source, compliance sampling was expanded at the Red Hill Shaft. In June 2023, Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Sampling transitioned into the Consolidated Groundwater Sampling Program. Please go to Consolidated Groundwater Sampling for sampling results from June 2023 to present.
LinkView Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Data from 2005 - May 2023

P-Well and S-Well Sampling
In 2022 the Navy began installing a series of wells called plume delineation monitoring wells (P-Well) and sentinel wells (S-Well). The purpose of the P-Wells is to monitor the water in the aquifer directly around Red Hill; the purpose of the S-Wells is to provide early warning of any contamination that may spread to nearby Navy and Board of Water Supply’s drinking water wells. As P-Wells and S-Wells are completed, data from sampling at these wells will be shared publicly. In June 2023, P-Well and S-Well Sampling transitioned into the Consolidated Groundwater Sampling Program. Please go to Consolidated Groundwater Sampling for sampling results from June 2023 to present.
LinkView P-Wells and S-Wells Data from July 2022 - May 2023

Monitoring Wells
The Navy’s monitoring wells are sampled in the various groundwater sampling programs to collect data on the aquifer and possible contaminants in the groundwater around the Red Hill facility. Click the link below to learn more about the monitoring well types and installation.
LinkView Monitoring Wells
LinkMonitoring Well Installation Work Plan

Sample Bailer
Environmental engineers collect a sample from a Red Hill monitoring location.


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